Steve Chicoine is the author of numerous acclaimed books and scholarly articles in the field of American history on such diverse topics as military & veterans, immigration & race, and sports. He has been a public speaker to a wide range of audiences for thirty years. Steve is a graduate of University of Illinois and Stanford University. As an adventure traveler, he journeyed through such remote destinations as Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Xinjiang, Tibet, Nepal, coastal China, Indonesia, Eastern Europe and much of Russia, including Siberia. Always a traveler, never a tourist. His photographs have been exhibited, used in books and won awards.
Minnesota’s Only Medal of Honor Recipient from WW1
Longtime Minneapolis Labor Organizer & Leader
Nonpartisan League Candidate for Lieutenant Governor
Leader of the early DFL Party in Minnesota
Civil War Veterans
Buffalo Soldiers
7th Cavalry Little Bighorn
Belleau Wood Marines
WW1 combat flyboy
Bonus Army marchers
Labor radicals
Bataan Death March survivor
Chosin Reservoir Marines
Vietnam Army Ranger
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid
– General of the Army DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER
Freedom - no word was ever spoken that has held out greater hope, demanded greater sacrifice, needed more to be nurtured, blessed more the giver. . . or came closer to being God's will on earth
– General of the Army OMAR N. BRADLEY
We are determined that before the sun sets on this terrible struggle, our flag will be recognized throughout the world as a symbol of freedom on the one hand and of overwhelming force on the other
- General of the Army GEORGE C. MARSHALL

About the Author
Steve Chicoine is best known for his books Our Hallowed Ground: The World War Two Veterans of Fort Snelling National Cemetery (University of Minnesota Press) and The Confederates of Chappell Hill, Texas: Prosperity, Civil War and Decline (McFarland & Company). He was an active Board member and presenter for the nationally known Dr. Harold C. Deutsch World War Two History Round Table in the Twin Cities for a number of years. He speaks often at venues across Minnesota. He received a fellowship to study at Stanford University and earned a multidisciplinary graduate degree. He served for fifteen years as a member of an alumni investment committee for the school. During this period, he developed a friendship with renowned historian Robert Conquest at Hoover Institution on the … Read More about About the Author